Traditional English breakfast cafes are few and far between these days as the debate about what is and what is not an English Breakfast drags on and on.
But one thing is indisputable. Despite all the nostalgia associated with the local greasey spoon and an early morning Builders breakfast, we have seen what was at one time, morph into something quite different. The Sandwich Shop.
That ubitquous quick bite alternative is everywhere.
From the handmade gourmet variety on the brunch menu, to the pre-prepared, pre-packed and sanitised takeway so loved by those without a thought in the world.
Only serving to make that question with an elusive answer, that much more reledvant. I lay the blame squarely at the door of those, whose menus are as predictable as they are dull. An English breakfast was never meant to be a take it or leave choice. It was always more about the opportunity to celebrate the first meal of the day rather than a do and die recipe for those too boring to do anything else.