An acquired taste, chicken livers certainly have those who love them and those who turn their faces away.
I challenge anyone in Knysna to turn a nose up at the most delectable chicken liver starter ever tasted.
Food is not just about the eating, it is about the look and the smell, the way it is placed in front of you and of course about the taste. The attractive and delicate presentation of these sherry marinated livers on a bed of superbly prepared pastry is a mouth-watering sight, and the experience of the tasting, well you just have to try it.
I must say I have never had an unpleasant meal, cup of coffee or service at Cruise Cafe.
Luciano Pavarotti was right when he said “One of the very nicest things about life, is the way we must regularly stop whatever it is we are doing and devote our attention to eating”.