The explorers garden route

Coffee shop • Bakery • Deli
Kloof Street (N2),
Heidelberg, Western Cape

Run by Michael Amos offering farm freshness with artisan breads baked on the premises.  It has a rustic atmosphere of a farmstall and Michaels passion shows in everything he does.


3 responses

  1. My apologies. I did pass the message on and will make sure it gets through this time.

  2. I wrote to you earlier in April asking if you were running your bread baking course on Tuesday 8 September which I would like to attend with my wife. Please revert

  3. Hi,
    We would like to attend your artisan bread baking course in September. When last communicated with you understood it would be on Tuesday 8 September? Please confirm.I will accompanied by my wife,Pixie

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